Mon - Thu 7:00am - 6:00pm
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Free rotation for the life of the tires with the purchase of four tires. Most cars, and light trucks. Not valid with other offer or special. Coupon must be presented in advance. Exclusions apply
EXP. 08-01-2024
We perform a Free Courtesy Inspection on every vehicle that comes in our shop for service or repair. We then give recommendations on what the vehicle needs and when it will need those items. This is to help you maintain your vehicle and keep it in the best running shape possible. *This Free Courtesy Multipoint Inspection accompanies any paid service; this does not replace diagnostics. **This is not for a state mandated vehicle safety inspection.**
EXP. 08-01-2024
Does not include an Oil Change. Valid for most cars. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other offer or special. Coupon must be presented in advance and does not apply for vehicles needing synthetic oil.
EXP. 08-01-2024
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